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Comment by boxed

9 days ago


BEING nazi/bigot/transphobic/etc is what ATTRACTED every bigot and self admitted Nazi to the Republicans, and there you go, standing up for and defending them by denying reality.

If not yet, then at what point exactly would allow anyone to exercise their own free speech by calling Musk, a self described "free speech absolutist", transphobic? What more would he have to do, than to actually publicly attack and verbally abuse and humiliate and deadname and misgender and lie about his own child?

How about policing the actual Nazis and bigots and transphobes instead of the people like his daughter who rightfully call him what he obviously is by his very own words and deeds?

Elon Musk’s Transgender Daughter Says He Was ‘Cruel’ and ‘Uncaring’:


Elon Musk's Daughter Attacks Trump's Order, Addresses 'Nazi Salute':


Elon Musk's trans daughter, Vivian Wilson, calls out his Nazi salute: 'Call a spade a spade':


Elon Musk’s Trans Daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson Calls Him a “Grubby Little Control Freak”:


Elon Musk’s transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a child:


  • > BEING nazi/bigot/transphobic/etc is what ATTRACTED every bigot and self admitted Nazi to the Republicans

    If that's the case, you have already lost anyway. Because if that's true you have so many nazis in the US now that the historical Nazis are a rounding error. Do you truly believe that?

    > How about policing the actual Nazis and bigots and transphobes instead of the people like his daughter who rightfully call him what he obviously is by his very own words and deeds?

    You can't police shit if you are the minority. That's absurd. You can't become the majority by being an ass to everyone on the fence. That's what the left has been doing and driving everyone away.

    The left has to take responsibility for the failed tactic of going around screaming at people for wearing sombreros or whatever. After you do that enough, everyone who has been screamed at will want to vote for anyone who are against that crap. And yea, that was Trump.

    Or maybe I'm wrong and you really do have 77,302,580 nazis in the US right now. I don't buy that. I have a much higher opinion of the American people.

    • > everyone who has been screamed at will want to vote for anyone who are against that crap

      You're just speaking for yourself, trying to justify your own bigoted beliefs, with the old "you forced me to become a Nazi/racist/transphobe to get revenge on you because you hurt my feelings" defense, not because you take any personal responsibility for what you believe, what you say, who you vote for, whose water you carry, or whose boots you lick.

      I didn't force you to defend Elon Musk or claim it's not fair for me or even his own daughter to call him a transphobe. That's all on you. You decided to do that, not me. Before you defend his Nazi salute, post a photo of yourself doing the exact same thing, and put it in a picture frame on your desk at work.

      So answer the question instead of dodging it: Exactly WHAT would Elon Musk have to do, that he hasn't already done to his own daughter, that crosses the line and justifies finally calling him a transphobe?

      If only I'd stop calling Elon Musk a transphobe, he'd finally start treating his own daughter like a human being who has a right to exist and self autonomy and love and respect from her parents, huh?

      You have cause and effect and the direction of time reversed if you believe it's all everyone else's fault that people unfairly call Elon Musk a transphobe, which forced him to act the way he does towards his own daughter.

      Or is it your position that nobody should call anyone else transphobic or racist or Nazi, no matter how obviously true it is?

      Nazis aren't going to stop Nazing and transphobes aren't going to stop abusing their own children, if only you just respect them and stop calling them names.

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