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Comment by amai

8 days ago

„OCR4all combines various open-source solutions to provide a fully automated workflow for automatic text recognition of historical printed (OCR) and handwritten (HTR) material.“

It seems to be based on OCR-D, which itself is based on

- https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract

- https://kraken.re/main/index.html

- https://github.com/ocropus-archive/DUP-ocropy

- https://github.com/Calamari-OCR/calamari


- https://ocr-d.de/en/models

It seems to be an open-source alternative to https://www.transkribus.org/ ( which uses amongst others https://atr.pages.teklia.com/pylaia/pylaia/ )

Another alternative is https://escriptorium.inria.fr/ ( which uses kraken)