Comment by reddalo
8 days ago
Unfortunate naming, given that CodeWeavers is already a company making a Windows "emulator" for Linux and macOS. [1]
8 days ago
Unfortunate naming, given that CodeWeavers is already a company making a Windows "emulator" for Linux and macOS. [1]
CodeWeavers are actually making wine, not just some "emulator". They then distribute this along with some QOL tools as a commercial product called CrossOver.
All names are taken. There's no need to point this out every time.
Not all names are registered trademarks for software.
Some are more confusing than others.
Huewoblfan is not taken! Noiewoidc is free. XIONqlic – totally available, can mean a range of things! Ciohupoij – a bit of asian flavour but still a valid free name.