Comment by alxjrvs
8 days ago
Because I'm annoyed when people get it wrong
- Children aren't being mutilated and anyone who believes this is a willing mark or has a toddlers understanding of science
- the concept of "Gender" is actually very important to a lot of trans folks, as it turns out. My "Sex" is about as relevant to my day to day as my blood type, and I think people who obsess about my chromosomes are fucking weird
- We should abolish all the police - got me there.
- White people don't exist as a racial category with any meaningful definition except as a catch-all for groups meant to exclude. It's not a race, it's a country club with a pantone guide.
Hope that helps, and I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.
In case it wasn't obvious... I was not being serious. I was trying to point out the reverse of the logic being applied to the right.
Fwiw, the examples don't do a great job of that, imo. One of those descriptions is factually true, whereas the other contains mostly juicy propaganda talking points.
(And, as I pointed out, some real ones!)
But, to put a fine point on it, literally zero children are being mutilated (in the context this statement is typically brought about, "children being forcibly transitioned against their will by their parents, including surgery", which is deeply false), but there are white supremacists in the government, without room for equivocation or debate. Even in the context of absurdity, they are not equally absurd claims. You took an accurate portrayal of the right in America (perhaps assuming it was absurd?) and compared it against...the right's propaganda view of the "left". This is why it was not "Obvious".
And, to be clear; conservatives are already saying that! Your average trump voter thinks that there are litter boxes in schools! They literally think that! I'm not going to be nice and lie about their capacity for goodness while they seek to eliminate me and my pals (or, at best, casually don't care about voting for the folks who want to eliminate me and my pals, which, you know? Fuck em.)
The amount of comments here literally proving my point is a bit astonishing, frankly...
Out of curiosity, which parts were 'factually true' assessments of the positions of the 75 million people who voted Democrat last election?
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