Comment by alxjrvs
8 days ago
Sorry, let me spell it out for you;
I refer to this incident colloquially as "The time trump told us to inject bleach", which would be more accurately described as "The time the president of america was so balls-on stupid that he rambled for five minutes about doctors using bleach and UV disinfectant to fight Covid, a ramble so incoherent that the CDC had to issue a warning to ignore what it appeared he was suggesting."
I have no desire to treat the "intelligence" behind that statement - or those with full throated support of his incredible genius - with any authority.
The "White Power" was the evil (though, quite stupid in its own right) part. The "Bleach" was the "stupid" part of my comment, and I stand by it.
You mean the time a president (a non medical expert who doesn’t claim to be) tried to theorize about mechanisms by which a covid treatment could be delivered using ordinary language? And all of those mechanisms are real forms of treatment in other contexts?
Dear Leader is never wrong. There is no COVID in ba sing se.