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Comment by catapart

7 days ago

Seems like a good idea. I've signed up.

I did run into a 404 when trying to use the "Customize Channel" feature. And I also could have used a "preview" step before publishing so I could better understand what the channel-creation fields corresponded to before locking in a placeholder name.

Otherwise, it seems like a pretty straightforward proposition and a net positive, so thanks for building it!

The 404 on Customize Channel should be fixed in a couple of hours. A preview step for channel creation is a great idea too. I can see how that would help avoid accidental choices. I’ll add it to the roadmap!

If you run into anything else or have more thoughts, let me know. Really glad you’re finding it useful!

  • Hey, I see that the customization got taken care of. Thanks!

    I was really hoping I could change the channel name or, barring that, delete the channel so I could create one with an appropriate name, but I don't see any option like that. I like the options you do provide, though! Seems like it covers most of what I would want to do. I just also want to change the name/url, even if that means scrapping it and starting over.

    Following that down, though, I'm also kind of wondering what the plan is for changing channel ownership?

    • You’ll be able to change the channel name and URL soon! Channel ownership needs more thought, but I’ve got it on my list including some mod tools for channels.