Comment by Panoramix
5 days ago
Why is it unreasonable to demand that every recipient of money is alive and has a valid age in the system? This shouldn't be a political statement.
5 days ago
Why is it unreasonable to demand that every recipient of money is alive and has a valid age in the system? This shouldn't be a political statement.
He's just queried records with dead=FALSE. It's not active recipients of social security payments. All its showing is that some portion of people die without the death being officially logged on their record in the social security database.
Edit: Also, it's not clear that the death field is the sole criteria for determining the eligibility for payments (i.e. determining the recipient is alive)
Yep, it doesn’t sound like that’s the sole criteria based on this thread, which includes a NYT article (from 2023!) showing less than 50k users over 100 collecting payments despite over 18M records.
I can’t say how annoyed it makes me that Elon’s initial reaction to anything odd seems to be “fraud!!” rather than curiosity
> I can’t say how annoyed it makes me that Elon’s initial reaction to anything odd seems to be “fraud!!” rather than curiosity
To be fair, being curious about things isn't going to get as much support as screaming "GUBBERMINT FRAUD!" (a red rag to the GOP bull) when you're trying to trash any government departments that stand between you and more money.