Comment by lutharvaughn
5 days ago
When Musk and people similar to him say "free speech", what they mean is their ability to say and do things without consequences. To them, the world only exists for them and their benefit, so someone disagreeing with them or them facing consequences for something they said is "silencing their free speech".
They also feel like they should be allowed to shut down other people's speech, because that is part of their idea of free speech. They should be allowed to tell you that you're not allowed to talk.
The more people understand that when people talk about "absolute free speech", it isn't a serious position, and is mostly held by people with this view, the better. I'm sure there are actual "free speech purists" out there, but they are few and far between. Instead it is mostly people using the guise of free speech so they can say and do what they want without consequences.
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