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Comment by guappa

5 days ago

> That is the operating definition of free speech that has worked in America since I started working in this space.

It hasn't worked. But you're too set in "USA IS PERFECT!" mindset to objectively think about it.

Oh. I come from and am In a country with much stricter Free Speech laws.

I think all of them are pretty crap for today’s environment.

But yes - the operating definition of Free speech, the one enforceable in courts, the one you have lived under, is the one I outlined.

Namely - no government over reach in speech. Not that people can’t do what they want as private individuals, and now corporations.

So you can in theory, have a corporation buy up all the local news channels, and then have them share one kind of point of view. It’s perfectly free speech.

You could stream porn, and the courts would side by you for your right to free speech.

This doesn’t mean you wont get sued for piracy, or actually earn money through your project - you still need a service people want.

I’m dead serious, you can check if you like - but these are the rules you live under even right now.

  • And in afghanistan it's illegal for women to go to school. Since that is the law, we must accept it and make no attempt to ever change it, correct?