Comment by wduquette
3 days ago
Regarding unconscious thinking: I've known for many years that if I'm trying to implement something and what I'm doing just feels wrong and I'm not sure why, it's time to stop and come back first thing in the morning. Sleeping on it engages my back-brain; and invariably the next morning everything makes sense, sometimes immediately, and sometimes with just a small amount of work.
Mind you, the solution I have in mind when I wake isn't necessarily the right one; but I get to the right one pretty quickly.
I get this even on a shorter timescale with compiler errors. So many times I have a near-subconscious feeling that something's wrong with the code, and as soon as I run or compile it, there it is, a syntax error. I've been trying to train myself to pay more attention to these gut feelings, so I can act on them before the compiler gets to it.
If you use a modern IDE it will just tell you immediately
Where's the fun in that?
Time, doorways, and ritualized actions like sweeping, brushing your teeth, washing your hair, or walking tend to trigger those connections. Even going for a walk might set you right.
That’s usually when I would go for coffee when I worked in an office.
Yup. Also going for a drive, taking a shower, etc.
Ever tried deliberately priming your brain before bed? Like reviewing the problem briefly before sleeping?
Almost daily. For years.