Comment by luckydata
3 days ago
Well you're not just noticing the problem or you don't have ADHD because the working memory impairment is well documented and it's essentially THE symptom of ADHD.
What you say about being more easily distracted is a side effect of impaired working memory for example.
Keep in mind that ADHD presents differently in different people. I, like a good chunk of people with the diagnosis, exhibit none of the hyperactivity symptoms.
It's more complicated than that.
For me, executive disfunction is the most significant issue; and that compounds the problem of limited working memory by wasting it on irrelevant stimulus.
Yup, I've got loads of the executive dysfunction... ;-)
ADD is the lack of serotonin in the frontal lobe. The best way I've heard it described: there is no motivation except to not die. In the worst parts of the disorder, even that isn't motivating.
I know it is over-diagnosed because high school and college kids want to to tweak legally. But it makes it harder for those of us that actually suffer with ADD
Why does ADHD take dopamine-oriented medication rather than serotonin meds? Does serotonin play a strong role in "motivation"?
Not only dopamine. You can find studies about serotonin pathway meds as well.
This is way more complicated than lack of a single thing. It's mostly a mutation influenced by a number of genes, causing changes in the frontal lobe, changing a number of pathways. And motivation isn't even a required symptom. It's also under diagnosed at the same time as over diagnosed, so just mentioning one side of it is not great.
I mean, just give the Wikipedia a go to learn about the scope:
Dopamine was mentioned, but one shouldn’t forget norepinephrine being deficient too
I thought dopamine was the main focus
Both chemical explanations are highly oversimplified, and to my knowledge, are still completely hypothetical.
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