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Comment by raverbashing

4 days ago

> What specific expertise does SpaceX have in the air traffic control realm?


> What was the bidding process like?

What bidding process? Remember when it's the "special WH employee" hiring his own company that's all fine and dandy

> Is there a problem statement beyond "it has some old bits"? What are the specific goals?

Every system can be improved, but I think the current issues with ATC in the US are not of a technical nature per se

ATC is much more than controllers watching planes on radar screens

Also remember this is a system that has been continuously evolving since WWII pretty much (and possibly before) and that one of the recent "breaking backwards compatibility" was NDBs being decommissioned in the US (bit by bit)

> Remember when it's the "special WH employee" hiring his own company that's all fine and dandy

Source that SpaceX was hired for this? The article makes no such claims and has no sources saying that.