Comment by unsupp0rted
3 days ago
> Majoranas hide quantum information, making it more robust, but also harder to measure. The Microsoft team’s new measurement approach is so precise it can detect the difference between one billion and one billion and one electrons in a superconducting wire – which tells the computer what state the qubit is in and forms the basis for quantum computation.
Being able to detect a single electron among billions sounds more like a good way to get entropy rather than something that can help with quantum measurements. At least that's my initial intuition being completely ignorant in Quantum Computing.
Do you have other things you want to provide that your self-proclaimed ignorance would be helpful with?
Lay people are welcome to read about the latest developments in science. They're also welcome to try to intuit theories related to those latest developments. It's a good way to flex your thinking skills. Experts are then welcome to weigh in on those intuitions and steer them along the right path. Even if you're completely wrong, expressing how you think about things is also helpful to others in case they also have similar intuitions.
Your comment could get an award for most toxic HN comment ever and that's saying something.
2 replies →
It doesn't detect a single electron, it detects parity of the number of electrons.