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Comment by blisterpeanuts

4 days ago

Like how, for example? Serious question.

If SpaceX has the best, most economical, and safest route to space, why would Nasa and DoD not use them? Who else is there? Blue Origin's not there yet; others are in the works but not there yet. SpaceX is proven; it does a good job and has brought manned space flight back to the U.S. Has nothing to do with whether Musk & his team are close to Trump or not.

More to the point, the DoGE audits are projected to save the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars, which should significantly reduce the deficit which is currently projected at two trillion dollars.

Even if we assume the worst, most absurd and political stance that Musk is in it for the money and influence, saving $500 billion or more is still worth it. And, in reality, Musk's political activity is costing Tesla a lot of sales; Tesla's sales numbers are in decline, actually.

>More to the point, the DoGE audits are projected to save the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars, which should significantly reduce the deficit which is currently projected at two trillion dollars.

Oh come the fuck on. Projected by whom? If they are looking to reduce the deficit, why are they floating tax breaks that will cost the country billions?

Have some skepticism, will you?

  • "why are they floating tax breaks that will cost the country billions?"

    Not billions: trillions!

    "Trump Tax Priorities To Cost $5 to $11 Trillion over the next Ten Years"


    • Standard supply side theory. Reduce tax overhead, reduce size of government, increase availability of capital for private investment, give people back the money to either spend, start businesses, or invest in markets. Money is more productive in private hands; government acts as a money sink that locks up wealth in unproductive cul-de-sacs. Government is inefficient; free markets are efficient.

      Read Milton Friedman, not anti-Trump hit pieces that predict disaster.