I think I like what you're getting at (placing blame on the human not the object), but could you tone the attitude down? This read to me as an almost snide correction, I genuinely think you'd convince people if you 'invited' them instead
Nah. Decades of politeness have failed, it's time to get more aggressive about people deciding it's ok to kill other people as long as you do it by driving a car into them and aren't drunk at the time.
I think I like what you're getting at (placing blame on the human not the object), but could you tone the attitude down? This read to me as an almost snide correction, I genuinely think you'd convince people if you 'invited' them instead
Nah. Decades of politeness have failed, it's time to get more aggressive about people deciding it's ok to kill other people as long as you do it by driving a car into them and aren't drunk at the time.
Well, it was the car that touched them. But yeah, the driver was at fault in ALL instances.