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Comment by Panoramix

4 days ago

I skimmed through the paper but nowhere did I find a demonstration of a Majorana qubit or a zero mode. The achievement was that they demonstrated a single-shot measurement. That's nice, but where's the qubit? what did I miss?

If you read the referee reports of the Nature paper (they are published alongside it) you'll see some referees echoing similar points.

  • Reading the PR release that accompanies a scientific paper is a negative information activity. Anything meaningful that can actually be supported by the science done is already in the paper and if you can understand the paper, it will be self evident how you should feel about it.

    Any sentence in the press release that isn't VERBATIM in the paper should be viewed as marketing, and unsupported by the science, and there is zero incentive NOT to lie in the PR, especially since the ones writing it are rarely even knowledgeable in the subject matter.