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Comment by cm2187

3 days ago

But also when you make cuts, you go hard, fast, and recover from there. Any effort of small trimming over a long period achieves no saving while producing the same negative publicity. I doubt such cutting effort will happen for another 30y.

There is a french say I like. If you need to cut a dog’s tail, don’t cut an inch every day, chop the whole thing quick

> There is a french say I like. If you need to cut a dog’s tail, don’t cut an inch every day, chop the whole thing quick

Well there’s cutting off the dogs tail, and then there’s accidentally cutting off your own fingers in your haste to get the dogs tail.

There is another saying:

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

Act quickly when needed but not so quickly that you don’t have time to assess. You should know what you’re cutting before you cut.

In the French saying is cutting the tail off a dog seen as a cruel and unnecessary action, that you shouldn't prolong any longer than necessary, or a valid task that needs done?

I see the legal status of tail docking is slightly laxer in France but in North America the US and Canadian Vetinary Associations disavow the practice as bad for the dog.
