Comment by CyrsBel
2 days ago
Upgrades should be sustainable, incremental, gradual, and reviewed. Especially for governance systems. If there's no existential risk requiring moving fast, then it's a bad idea to move fast on these things. Governments are not companies.
Governments with almost a gigaton of nuclear weapons should not be run in "fast startup ways". Losing some VC money and reshaping the global economy or compromising nuclear safety are not the same stakes.
If the IRS has the nuclear safety codes then it’s better we find out than the Chinese.
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Can is not should. Who are we trusting to move fast with our governance and why? Is this why?
We are trusting Donald Trumps judgement to execute on the promises he made to get elected. Nothing is perfect, and I think this whole thing is probably happening too early.
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Maga: Move Fast Break Things
-In other news, the US has lost track of several Nuclear Weapons after cutbacks left building empty
Maga: YOLO. My Uncle Jed going to make the Oklahoma City Bomb look like nothing. Yeeee haaa. Wait and see science nerds. Taking back the country.
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