Comment by benmanns
2 days ago
Another case of Hyrum's Law, where the entire functionality of the S3 SDK and any competing service provider borrowing from it becomes Amazon's problem to fix at their own cost. Maybe it's time for a non-Amazon but S3 API compatible library to emerge among the other cloud storage providers offering S3 compatible APIs. OpenDAL looks interesting. Also another reminder to run thorough integration tests before updating your dependencies.
The problem here is that if you're providing a public s3 compatible object storage system, you likely have a number of users using the aws sdk directly. It's not your dependencies, it's your users' dependencies that caused the issue.
It's not even just your users. I work on a S3-compatible service where a good chunk of the test suite is built on the AWS SDK.
In reality, AWS are the reference S3 implementation. Every other implementation I've seen has a compatibility page somewhere stating which features they don't support. This is just another to add to the list.
Which you told them to use.