Comment by ben_w
2 days ago
Why would diversity, especially linguistic diversity, be besides the point? Europe is a lot more culturally and linguistically diverse than either the USA or China.
Hier spricht man Deutsch.
A 600 km à l'ouest, on parle français.
50 km na wschód, Polska.
360 χλμ βόρεια, Δανέζικα, Σουηδικά; 250 χλμ νότια, Τσεχία; 750 χλμ νοτιοανατολικά, Ουγγρικά; και τα λοιπά.
Europe has a need, that the other models aren't bothered by — they can do it, but more by happenstance than on purpose.
Depends on the goals. If they were fine-tuning leading foundation models, then I could see this being an entirely sensible undertaking. But since their goal seems to be to make foundation models, I don't think that they will end up being the leading models with so many other conflicting requirements.
Of the four languages I speak the different models do a pretty good job. I am sure there is something extra that can be added, but atm it is good enough for me.