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Comment by drewcoo

2 days ago

> This is a sad outcome. The Bond franchise is very strong

Even back in the Broccoli years, Bond was garbage. The movie bond was a government assassin who we all pretended wasn't. Because sex. Ridiculous!

To Americans he also seemed smart and worldly. Because he had a British accent. Which sexy women liked. True, yet also ridiculous!

Can AMZN bury this relic faster than Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny was reburied? Rate to find out!

FWIW, I'm British. I won't disagree that there was a certain cringe to Bond, and the older films have aged quite poorly. But there's nostalgia there still, and it's also worth remembering that in many ways Bond defined the image of worldly/sexy. Bond's cultural impact on Men's fashion for example is huge. The films were influential at the time, even if in hindsight they're a bit simplistic or fantastical and more than a bit misogynistic.

I think the films are also worth more than the sum of their parts. Each one is typically an above average blockbuster style action film, but nothing particularly special. Taken together however, they are worth a lot more because of that continuing thread that has been done so well, and it's that which leads to the cultural significance.

The franchise certainly needs updating, but I think it has evolved over time and can likely continue to do so with that strong creative backing. It depends much less on sex now than it did even 20 years ago, they moved past the gadgets (as "gadgets" became less of a thing, it's hard to have a clever gadget when we all have smartphones in our pockets).

Even back in the Broccoli years, Bond was garbage.

LOLWut ?! As of 2023, the James Bond film franchise has grossed over $7 billion globally at the box office. It's the sixth highest grossing film franchise in history. Your opinions of taste aside, Bond was anything but garbage otherwise it would never have lasted as long, or made as much money.


  • Some things generate profit regardless of quality become the popular transcends any medium or iteration.

    BvS was garbage but made money because people like those characters and will always pay. Same with Bond.