Comment by scarface_74
2 days ago
Everyone wants to say it will get better based on what happened in 2000 and 2008. I was around both times.
In 2000, none of the ideas ended up being bad. They were just too early and internet wasn’t ubiquitous.
But even then, if you were working as a standard enterprise dev for a profitable business - banks, insurance, companies, etc, outside of Silicon Valley, jobs were plentiful. I was a Windows dev living in Atlanta with 4 years of experience and had no issue of getting offers.
Things improved when internet became ubiquitous both at home and in their pockets with smart phones and the App Store by 2012.
On the B2B side, there was the rise of SaaS.
There will be no next doubling of jobs to absorb all of the people looking. Every application gets literally 1000 applications within the first day of posting.
It’s going to take at least a decade for the supply/demand to balance out.
No Section 174 is not to blame either.
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