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Comment by kelnos

2 days ago

> The impression I get from simply reading these various discussions, is that some folks are not convinced that the pain from accepting Rust is worth the gain. [..] Possibly also that a significant portion of the suggested gain may be achievable via other means.

Sure, but opinions are always going to differ on stuff like this. Decision-making for the Linux kernel does not require unanimous consent, and that's a good thing. Certainly this Rust push hasn't been handled perfectly, by any means, but I think they at least have a decent plan in place to make sure maintainers who don't want to touch Rust don't have to, and those who do can have a say in how the Rust side of their subsystems look.

I agree with the people who don't believe you can get Rust-like guarantees using C or C++. C is just never going to give you that, ever, by design. C++ maybe will, someday, years or decades from now, but you'll always have the problem of defining your "safe subset" and ensuring that everyone sticks to it. Rust is of course not a silver bullet, but it has some properties that mean you just can't write certain kind of bugs in safe Rust and get the compiler to accept it. That's incredibly useful, and you can't get that from C or C++ today, and possibly not ever.

Yes, there are tools that exist for C to do formal verification, but for whatever reason, no one wants to use them. A tool that people don't want to use might as well not exist.

But ultimately my or your opinion on what C and C++ can or can't deliver is irrelevant. If people like Torvalds and Kroah-Hartman think Rust is a better bet than C/C++-based options, then that's what matters.