Comment by kelnos
2 days ago
> The natural reaction is that there will be less such breaking changes and interfaces will ossify. One can even argue this is what has already happened here.
I don't think I'd agree with that. Current kernel policy is that the C interfaces can evolve and change in whatever way they need to, and if that breaks Rust code, that's fine. Certainly some subsystem maintainers will want to be involved in helping fix that Rust code, or help provide direction on how the Rust side should evolve, but that's not required, and C maintainers can pick and choose when they do that, if at all.
Obviously if Rust is to become a first-class, fully-supported part of the kernel, that policy will eventually change. And yes, that will slow down changes to C interfaces. But I think suggesting that interfaces will ossify is an overreaction. The rate of change can slow to a still-acceptable level without stopping completely.
And frankly I think that when this time comes, maintainers who want to ignore Rust completely will be few and far between, and might be faced with a choice to either get on board or step down. That's difficult and uncomfortable, to be sure, but I think it's reasonable, if it comes to pass.
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