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Comment by pilaf

2 days ago

To add to that, quoting from the paper [1] (published in 2020):


> Dylan, Juli, Bruno and Massi are a group of 18/19-year-old friends from Buenos Aires, Argentina. The original idea came to Juli while having a shower. Bruno calculated the prime-generating constant, first by brute-force and then by finding its formula. As the investigation continued, Juli and Bruno were joined by Massi and Dylan. Later, the team contacted mathematician James Grime who helped by tidying up some of the proofs and writing this note. So ∞ thanks to James!

1: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.15882

Ah... FCEN, my alma mater!

I'm not saying it as a graduate but my god FCEN has extremely bright students (not me of course, but I did manage to have a decent experience).

  • Same, I actually took Calc II with Juli we started FCEN the same year but he obviously was very bright and haven't seen him since I assume he progressed very quickly.

Thanks! I was wondering. I hope you're doing well!

  • I'm doing well! Hope you are too.

    I sometimes come across your comments here, but I rarely have a chance to reply. I almost write the year as 02020 above just in case you found it, now I'm sad I didn't.