Comment by noduerme
1 day ago
I'm not sure it's good to sharpen the collective immune system to the point where it becomes allergic to everything. This article decries the stupid blind trust that late 20th century humans still put into AI generated facebook posts. One shouldn't expect more discernment once that audience's trust is fully shattered. More likely is that once someone is scammed enough times to give up their sympathy, any genuine plea for sympathy will be met with distrust.
We do have a collective immune system, and it functions based on a collective understanding of reality. The hijacking of individual empathy for a few pennies at a time, using fake stories that trick and humiliate the targets, is like a retrovirus. It attacks the collective immune system that normally allows people to feel empathy for one another, by dissolving the sense that anyone else out there is real or honest.
It’s bad, but it’s been happening for a while now, and it’s absolutely logical to do it on an individual level.
Most of the smart people who I followed on Twitter, stopped sharing their thoughts in the public in the past 5 years. Responses to them usually didn’t add anything, but took their time.
Smart people in my bubble started to inform themselves less and less over time. It’s pointless. We know what will happen in a general sense for 1-2 decades in the future, and we can’t do anything, and more information just makes us more anxious.
All of the social media has more and more obvious disinformation, not even just misinformation. And with AI, this increased greatly. The cost of real information multiplied several times. It takes simply too much time. This is especially true when something more important shift happens: start of Ukraine war, start of genocide in Gaza, start of Trump second term. But even between these, for example about every second post about Trump was a lie last year on the popular/all page of Reddit. Even when lie is not necessary at all.
Main stream media started to dig their own grave with clearly brainless Zionism, and making Trump appear more sane than he really is, and many times just believing obvious lies. They were not just gullible, they actively tried to shift public opinion without good reasons (and probably with only bad reasons).
So yes, we know that it’s bad for the society, but on individual level more distrust is the logical option. This shift is clearly happening. Also game theory tells us, that this won’t stop, and things will be really-really bad. Middle Ages level zero sum game bad. In short: war.
Any other option is just pure luck, like how it was with Cold War.