Comment by sim7c00
1 day ago
It's really all opinions what is better or worse, but i do respect the sentiment that there is some boundary, and on one side of the boundary, Rust makes a lot of sense, and the other side, Rust does not work at all. (managing global mutable resources). It weirds me out a bit there is even such discussions going on in projects like this. It seems obvious and proven at this point and if not that then atleast it should be obvious already for a long time that if you program within some large codebase or ecosystem, you are not the only voice, and you need to learn to collaborate with people with different views as you and make it work.
I really don't like rust, hence instead of wanting to contribute to projects which will inadvertently lead to more and more rust code being brought in, i start my own projects, when i can be the only voice of reason and have my joys of making things segfault :>... Its quite simple. If like me you are stuobborn and unflexible, you are a lone wolf. accept it and move on to be happy :) rather than trying to piss against the wind of change.
That's true. I often want to just make something cool and I don't want someone turning it into a research project basically because they like compilers.
> Research project
As if everything created after 1979 is a research project.