Comment by wat10000
2 days ago
Well, religion doesn’t serve the needs of people like me because we can’t believe in the core nonsense that religion centers on. So what then?
2 days ago
Well, religion doesn’t serve the needs of people like me because we can’t believe in the core nonsense that religion centers on. So what then?
Why is it nonsense but the idea that life is invaluable and meaningless is not, despite the fact that no one, not even the most ardent defenders of this worldview, lives as if it is true?
FWIW "invaluable" means the opposite of what you want here.
There's no evidence of any objective source of value or meaning in our lives. All indications are that we're the product of random chance and unthinking laws of physics. Gather a huge amount of hydrogen and eventually it turns into people.
What would it look like to live as if it were true? I still have the emotions and drives that evolution and culture baked into me. I fear death, not because I think my life has some inherent objective value, but because my ancestors who were genetically predisposed to fear death had better odds of reproducing. I care about my family and work to make their lives better not because I believe their lives have some objective value, but because their lives have value to _me_, and that's because my ancestors who were genetically predisposed to value other people had better odds of passing along those genes. What do you think I should be doing differently given my beliefs?
> What would it look like to live as if it were true?
If you believed this to be true, you would overcome your evolutionarily drives and emotions, like we do when we don't procreate and have kids at the age of puberty because we know it will disadvantage us in society. Or like we do when we don't cheat on our spouses to procreate more for the same reason.
We suppress all sorts of evolutionarily better behaviors for the sake of our society.
But no one who believes there is no value or meaning in our lives just wastes away and dies, nor do the ardent supporters of this view just end their lives to prove to us how seriously they take it.
> care about my family and work to make their lives better not because I believe their lives have some objective value, but because their lives have value to _me_,
A value you made up in your head which isn't real and which you have faith in, despite knowing it isn't provable.
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