Comment by ninalanyon
1 day ago
Not really. Relativity goes back to Galileo at least, and it's development by Einstein relied on Lorentz and Riemann among others. Science really is a process of /standing on the shoulders of giants/ as Newton is reputed to have said.
That doesn't diminish Einstein's achievement of course.
I made a facetious comment to parry that of pjmlp, whom also made a facetious comment wrt to compiler complexity and what "one person" can do.
It is like if one tried claiming that Fabrice Bellard was an example of a median dev.
The number of C++ compilers written by one person is one. And because of this, it gives us no predictive power in what pjmlp was trying to assert.
I agree with you, Albert and Lorentz and Riemann got caught in the rhetorical crossfire.
Not exactly the same but here there is one person serious effort to create a C++-23 compiler front end.
It does look serious, and is able to parse one simple case I got at hand that openwatcom and orangec failed, thanks for bringing it up.