Comment by 112233
2 days ago
What is the current legal status of eBPF? It used to be that loading any non-trivial eBPF into kernel involved GPL-only stuff, and both the eBPF program and the program that used it had to be GPL.
2 days ago
What is the current legal status of eBPF? It used to be that loading any non-trivial eBPF into kernel involved GPL-only stuff, and both the eBPF program and the program that used it had to be GPL.
Well, yes, but this only matters if you distribute the compiled probes: you'll have to distribute the source for the probes. And, thankfully, this is not AGPL where network interaction counts, so:
- a cloud provider writing a dataplane using ebpf does not have to provide the source - a company selling on-prem software (e.g. esxi) that ships with ebpf probes would need to distribute their source
(note: IANAL)