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Comment by captain_coffee

1 day ago

Yes - that is my impression as well as someone currently living in London. Literally ever single system that I have to interact with seems to be somewhere on the spectrum between barely functioning and complete disfunctionality, with almost very few exceptions that come to mind. By system in this context I mean every institution, service provider, company, business... everything. Couple that with low salaries across the board - including the "high paying tech jobs in London" with price increases that are out of control with no reason to believe this is ever going to stop you end up with a standard of living significantly lower than let's say for example the EU countries of Eastern Europe. Currently trying to figure out where to go next

Well Albanians apparently want to live in Norwich, leading to a bizarre anti-propaganda campaign with bleak black-and-white photography to convince them it's horrible.


Probably your money would go futher in Albania, and they've got a cool flag, but the devil's in the details.

  • I was referring to EU [European Union] countries. Albania is not in the EU so I am not sure what the point of your comment was besides trolling

    • It isn't? Huh, you're right, a lot of the Balkans aren't, I did not know that.

      I don't think anywhere in the EU really describes itself as Eastern Europe, though. That's Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova. So really just Romania, sometimes.

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