CSS-zero: opinionated CSS starter kit for your "nobuild" application

16 hours ago (github.com)

Not a fanboy for Tailwind, but I grudgingly respect that putting up with the ugly has serious upsides.

This loses out on TW’s tree shaking…I think in this case style=“” is a better approach…

  • I didn’t realize why some people are so venomously opposed to tailwindcss until I tried to use it. I would never willingly inflict this bullshit on junior engineers. It is by far the worst part of learning Phoenix and the moment I find someone with more experience to help me do it there will be PRs to turn that trainwreck entirely off.

    The problem I have with tailwind is that it has the ergonomics of a rusty marine mine. How the fuck is anyone supposed to learn to use this monstrosity when it generates all of its rules from functions? It doesn’t tree shake so much as it depth first searches. I spend all my goddamned time on Google because the documentation is arranged terribly as well. And all my evenings are punctuated by closing dozens of browser tabs I won’t need again for a week.

    I don’t see why a similar tool could not have been made on the back of Less or SCSS, which are code generators that people actually understand. Probably the only two that don’t stab you in the back at the first opportunity.

    Another arrogant architectural astronaut brings his abomination into the mainstream.

I thought most of the major CSS frameworks included the ability to ship only what you absolutely need, if you desired. I'm not sure how this is an improvement.