Comment by bongoman42
1 day ago
In a similar boat and I'll add another point. Any new system leads to a temporary increase in focus and productivity. Then it steadily drops off. What this told me is that new systems, as long as they don't have a steep entry ramp are good to get that temporary boost. Just don't expect it to last for months. Also, I found a fair number of high performing people are unorganized, but they often have secretaries and coaches who are themselves organized to get things done for them. But if you are not at a point where you can afford one, you have to learn to get these things yourselves.
>Any new system leads to a temporary increase in focus and productivity.
I used to try to be very organized and adopt different systems to do so. Unfortunately due to the variety of things I do, I ended up creating the XKCD "you now have 14 competing standards" problem. My efforts to impose order only created more chaos. I have since just created a big monolithic txt file for notes, and a directory sorted by date modified. Delete old things, rename new things appropriately, and then use proper search tools like Voidtools Everything. When a project is complete, that's when I start organizing it, because that's when I know what it should look like. I don't understand how people can work with inconsistent and constantly changing structure.