Comment by hemloc_io
1 day ago
I had to get organized in college because I was doing a lot of additional coursework and still working. Previously I was completely disorganized in terms of planning.
Honestly the best way to do it isn't even a "system" it's to take the most lightweight level of organization and applying it to things you use.
For me the main organizational tool is just google calendar, using an all day event to denote due dates/trip planning/reminders, but even a daily note with what you're looking to do and important dates could be useful.
All these """systems""" have never caught on for me. It takes a lot of time to understand to the system and adjust instead of building a habit of surfacing information.
Get the system out of the way and just start putting stuff down. I get a ton of stuff done now that I couldn't without organizing things particularly when it comes to planning trips or work.
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