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Comment by ipsento606

1 day ago

For me, part of the tension stems from being unwilling to design a system crappy enough that I will actually stick to.

To take a trivial example, say your problem is that you leave clothes all over your bedroom floor, so you decide to set up a system to solve that.

The naive approach is to design a system like "If it's too dirty to wear again, put it in the laundry basket, coded by light or dark. If it's clean, decide if it should go on a hanger or in a drawer. If it needs a hanger, hang it up, being careful to select the right kind of hanger for the right kind of clothing. If it needs to go in a drawer..."

That's the system I want to design because that's how I want my life to be.

It would feel very unnatural to design a system like "pile all clothes on the chair in the corner and worry about them later", because I don't want my life to be like that, and I don't want to believe that that's the only kind of system I might have a chance of sticking to.

But that is the only kind of system I'll stick to. And ultimately, it's much better to have all your clothes piled on the chair in the corner rather than strewn all over the bedroom floor.

I’m like you and I’ve slowly started to embrace it. Sometimes that means three laundry baskets. One for clean one for dirty and one for wear again. And then iterating on top of that!

  • I did the third laundry basket for a bit. I think it's missing what's peak about the chair which is that I can still sorta see what's in the pile. I'm trying to find a coat hook esque system.

  • wont everything be wrinkled when you take it back out of wear-again basket?!

    i just tend to order most things on hangers with the most newly washed things to the right, then every time i wear something and put it back it goes a bit closer to the left. then when im putting on a wash i know that its all the things on the very left that need to be washed.

    another useful way to keep track of things is to hang up anything thats newly washed with the hook of the hanger facing towards you, then hang it up the normal way once you worn it. and i still order the newly washed things from right to left as well since theres the odd thing i dont wear that often which can go musty if its just sitting there for months, so when im putting on a wash sometimes i check the very left side of the newly washed things as well

    • > wont everything be wrinkled when you take it back out of wear-again basket?!

      Yup. But when it’s t-shirt and shorts, or t-shirt and jeans, I don’t care. I don’t really have any other clothes. I have a jumper somewhere and a cycling top.

    • > wont everything be wrinkled when you take it back out of wear-again basket?!

      Throw it into the dryer while you take a shower. Problem solved!