Comment by flessner
2 days ago
I have been an extraordinarily unorganized university student until the begining of this year - I am still not fully organized, but doing a lot better.
What helped me was looking at the "atomic concepts"
* What do I need to get done? (Tasks)
* When will I work on what? (Calendar)
* How do I keep information around? (Notes)
My "evergreen" information (like lecture notes, book notes) was happily living in Obsidian the past years, so criteria three was already "satisfied". I never found a true "system", so most of my notes are in a Zettelkasten-esque style.
I was stunned to discover that I didn't have a proper solution for "Tasks" or "Calendar". As an immediate fix I simply bought a DIN A6 notebook and a pen. Eventually, I started using the Apple Calendar with a Shortcut that could tally up the time for me - it was insightful. I went from >20 hours of social media a week to nothing (except HN) within a month.
I am still experimenting, currently I am trying to move the "Tasks" into a "daily note" in Obsidian. I have also tried to do some "Journaling", but I found it to not be effective. What I have found to be absolutely necessary though is having a dedicated time in the morning and evening to review everything, plan the day, defer tasks etc.
I'm curious about the shortcut to tally up the time - how does that work? Could you share it somewhere?