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Comment by MailleQuiMaille

1 day ago

I think the key for me, a lifelong messy person, was to find out what I like or don't.

Like : -Taking notes on the fly for capturing fleeting ideas. -When working on a project, embracing the mess by having as many documents/spreadsheets as possible. -When a project is over, putting everything in a folder and letting it there.

Don't like : -Using fancy tools like Notion, Obsidian and the likes. -Getting stuck on rigid systems, and even worse : tied to a subscription. -Being forced to use a specific device.

My solution ? Upnote. Proton Drive. A messy desktop.

Am I the most "optimized" I could be ? No. But I can quickly find out everything I need fast, and when I'm working on a project, I know what to do.

More than that seems overkill, for me at least.