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Comment by mschuster91

20 hours ago

And that's why it is so important to nip this "pedo" / "think of the children" crap right in the bud.

Obviously pedos on the interwebs are bad, but hey as long as it's just anime they're whacking off to I don't care too much. But the real abuse, that's done by - especially in the UK - rich and famous people like Jimmy Savile. And you're not gonna catch these pedos with banning encryption, that's a fucking smokescreen if I ever saw one, you're gonna catch them with police legwork and by actually teaching young children about their bodies!

> But the real abuse, that's done by - especially in the UK - rich and famous people like Jimmy Savile

Jimmy Savile was a vile predator. He was protected by the inane customs of the British ruling class.

He was not alone among the toffs of England.

But do not be mistaken. It is not just the rich and powerful where you find sexual predators. They exist at all levels of society, all genders, most ages (I will except infants and the aged infirm....)

Jimmy Savile was a symptom of something much darker, much worse and widespread.

  • Jimmy Saville was many things, but I don’t think he was a toff. His ability to abuse was about power, and perhaps gender, but not class.

  • Honestly if the UK wants to reduce sexual crimes against children and adults one of the easiest ways to achieve that would be to reform UK liable law.

    In the UK if you're raped by someone famous you'd be an utter idiot to say anything unless you're loaded or have a massive amount of hard evidence. You couldn't have a me to movement in the UK because everyone who came forward would be sued into bankruptcy. This is why so many people knew about Savile but no one said anything.

    • The rules of evidence in court are important too.

      It is the victim on trial, many times.

  • Yeah but if you sell the populace on the idea that pedos are only something that's a threat on the interwebs the populace won't care about all the other pedos, and if there is a pedo scandal like the next Savile the government can just go and shrug and say "we did all we could". And that is the point behind all that pedo scare.