Comment by pknerd
1 day ago
> Don't Die.
Death is a part of natural selection and necessary for the ecosystem. I am surprised that this pro-science guy does not get it.
1 day ago
> Don't Die.
Death is a part of natural selection and necessary for the ecosystem. I am surprised that this pro-science guy does not get it.
I hold this same belief, but have quieted about it because of how incredibly unpopular it is on this forum. Angry comments asking who am I to play God, if I'm so unhappy let me die and not them, etc.
I used to get angry about such replies, but I guess I get it more now. Nobody wants to die, regardless of how scientifically, societally, and economically important it is to do so.
So is teeth rot if you eat the wrong things. Are you surprised at dentistry and all the people who use its services?
We are so far gone from the natural processes that this argument does not really have any meaning IMO.
As per Bryan, it would be: Don't rot
Good for the gene, not great for the individual.
Matter of values not science.
But how will individuals fare should death be defeated? A world without death, with stupid gurus running around topless to show off their abs, is absolute hell.
What is human is far from “natural” for our original ecosystem.
A better argument for death would be if you think it’s important for a healthy human society.