Comment by graemep
18 days ago
> but even the most basic math is very difficult to some fraction of people.
That is the real problem. People need to learn maths before they can learn financial literacy.
18 days ago
> but even the most basic math is very difficult to some fraction of people.
That is the real problem. People need to learn maths before they can learn financial literacy.
Maybe. Or maybe there is just a certain fraction of people that are incapable of learning it. Like dyslexia, but for mathematical operations. I mean, it's not like we're not trying. Math is taught in every school at every age group and it's around us everywhere.
There is such a recognised condition with regard to arithmetic. Its called dyscalculia.
Those with it need appropriate teaching, but can end up pretty good at maths.
> Math is taught in every school at every age group and it's around us everywhere.
it is taught everywhere, but I think it is usually badly taught - more commonly badly taught than any other subject.