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Comment by aDyslecticCrow

18 days ago

I did that actually!

I had a large project in high school where we went through the process of starting a company, maybe selling a single knitted sock to someone, balancing the books, and closing the business. Not as simulated tasks but through the proper process. Other schools did the same.

It didn't actually teach me much, and it took up a vast amount of school time. I preferred the pure class that explained the economic theory and went through calculation exercises. I remember that much more clearly.

It's odd. The article starts by really highlighting that the school system is a bit broken in teaching the basics but then suggests adding extra stuff on top of it rather than suggesting or diagnosing the actual issue.

> It’s like installing a fancy security system on a house with no foundation.

The article said it pretty well... for itself.

> Give them a little pocket money so they have some agency

This is great. My parents did it; most of my friends had the same. I will do it when I have children. The amount does not even matter. I think I had a $2 a month, and I started to proudly save up for toys or hold off on the lure of sweets. (not that the amount every accumulated to buy anything)