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Comment by DrNosferatu

18 days ago

1. What “no no, I don’t mean anything like [that]”? - I never wrote any such thing.

Economic irrationality isn't binary but exists on a spectrum. Humans *simultaneously* make mundane rational choices (like buying eggs) while being systematically influenced by cognitive biases, social pressures, and emotional factors that traditional economic models don't capture.

I recommend books not to obfuscate but because complex economic behavior *can't be reduced to simplistic arguments*. The evidence for bounded rationality, hyperbolic discounting, and other psychological patterns affecting economic decisions is robust and empirically demonstrated across numerous studies - those books explain this.

Your accusation uses a straw man fallacy and assumes rationality is simple and self-evident, when - guess what - real economic behavior is nuanced. This isn't retreating to a "safer" position—it's acknowledging that economic reality is more complex than idealized models suggest.

…idealized, provenly wrong models - whose severe (and many times outright dangerous) limitations omission allows those who peddle them to keep earning their salary.