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Comment by pyrophane

17 days ago

In home economics though, you are cooking real food, right?

Yes! My wife grew up in the SF Bay area in one of the wealthiest suburbs. They had water polo, cross country trips etc. They did not, however, have home economics! It makes me so sad, as I see her peers (and for a while, her) be relatively clueless on cooking at home.

  • The number of restaurants and coffee shops has exploded compared to when I was a teenager.

    It starts to add up if you go to Starbucks frequently.

  • I vaguely remember home economics. We cookes things I don't like. I didn't learn cooking that way.

Yes. I also did some sewing. And in shop class we did actual woodworking. I think active project based learning is best whenever it's possible and practical.

We had home economics for one quarter as part of a rotation through grade-school electives: art, home ec, drama, wood shop. We didn't learn much about cooking, but I did learn how to sew on a button and do some basic clothing repairs that have come in handy.

No. In our Home Ec course, we baked cookies, that was it. The rest of it was in the classroom. I imagine that the experience varies from one district to another.