Comment by lnsru
18 days ago
My BMW 328xi had tired automatic gearbox. Only Tesla wanted to have it for trade in, because the gearbox was still working more or less normal. No person would buy it in such shape, trade-in elsewhere didn’t work either. I was also driving a lot in that time. 110€ weekly gas bill. And Tesla had a small discount plus zero interest offer at the time. I signed for it and got model y long range. My first new car in whole life.
My alternatives were dire: repair the gearbox for 8k. Ditch bmw and get some used vehicle for 25k. Take some other new vehicle with 6-8% interest rate. Or buy some 15 year old crap car and spend tons of money repairing it.
Fast forward to today: I forgot broken bmw, got used to comfy, fast family car. My current workplace offers free electricity as a benefit, so I use supercharger only few times a year on vacation. Financially it looks good: gas and repair costs are gone.
I can tell only one thing: each buy or not to buy decision is very individual. If bmw wouldn’t start falling apart after 80k miles I would keep it as long as I can. I also wouldn’t buy Tesla in first place if somebody else would buy bmw. I wouldn’t need a car at all if I had no relative to care for 30 miles away.
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