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Comment by epolanski

17 days ago

> They do it because everyone they know is going to college, because their parents expect it, because they’ve been told their whole lives that education is always worth it

Jm2c but I would not really recommend, not blindly at least, a degree to many kids today. You really like it/care? Good. Go for it.

In my countries, Italy/Poland, the average plumber or electrician makes more than the average law or economics degree.

You want to make very good money? You're more likely to do so running a bakery in northern Italy where there's very few of them.

My SO lives in Reggio Emilia, a city of 150k+ it's impossible to get a decent croissant for breakfast, it's crazy.

The new generations will have relatively low competition for blue collar jobs, but plenty in higher education.

It's especially easy on those that want to be self employed to find opportunities.

Yet, every time I say those things there will be the usual person bashing me that a very good lawyer or engineer will make more than those jobs...sure, true. But the largest majority won't.