Comment by data-ottawa
8 hours ago
> Maybe the goal is to kick every remaining employee in the butt so they work harder, not sure if it'll work.
Being too heavy handed with this ends up with employees acting greedy to protect themselves, creating more friction and reducing cooperation. If you depend on another team you have to spend your time and political capital escalating and fighting to get your requirements onto their roadmap.
You end up needing to have the skillset to play politics and get senior leadership on your side, which is very different than the skills needed to complete good work (they aren't exclusive, but you'll lose good people who have one and not the other). There are situations where adversarial processes are good, but too much kills progress.
I think about Office Space a lot lately (specifically Peter having tons of bosses and the whole TPS report cover bit).
I think the pendulum has swung too far into low trust management.
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