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Comment by gizmo686

12 years ago

I don't think you need to go to the religion clause. A well established part of freedom of speech is that you cannot be compelled to say something, and by not updating the canary, you would be saying it is true.

Also, it is (somewhat) well established in law that you cannot be compelled to break the law. If you are a company, it is illegal to lie and say, for example, you have not received NSL`s.

True. I like to believe that there are so many holes in those things that it's only a matter of time before they're struck down anyway, and any particular attack against them only has a small chance of ever even making it to court to be tested.

It's one thing to demand secrecy of people who are willingly agreeing to keep secrets so they can be issued a clearance. It's something entirely else to give secrets to an unwilling recipient who never agreed to keep them, and threaten to destroy their lives if they don't.