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Comment by fossuser

12 years ago

I think it'd be interesting if any account less than a year old had their comments put into the 'pending' state pg has been talking to.

Sites that don't let in new users are as bad as sites that that themselves go completely to pot.

It's possible to have civil political discourse, but it takes a lot of effort, much more than maintaining the entire rest of a site. You can't do it by tweaking things here and there, you need active moderators who can maintain cool heads themselves about topics they are passionate about.

I don't think it's worth HN spending that effort, and what's more important it doesn't look like HN wants to spend that effort.

If you want a swimming pool, you have to maintain it. If you can't, fill it in. HN should either invest a lot more maintenance on political posts, or take a very very heavy ax to them.

newscomers will stop comming because they wont fell welcome, and that space is not really democratic..

this will eventually degrade to more elitism, like (now just people with a big karma)

HN is like a collective mind.. more pop ot gots, more of the average mind it will represent.. its something i fell about facebook too.. with the first open-minded friends, it was a good environment.. than.. the thing get popular, and your news feed look like a toillet flush..

i think whats bother some, its what attract others.. for me particularly i dont mind some political biased posts.. more than i do for the startup mentality stuff..

but then both of them get they fair share of the HN front page.. i think people here at HN do a very good review of things that are important, also for the moment, for the modern times.. live in broaders and bigger communities is this.. the average collective IQ gets lower.. but it make sense to say: "i dont want to grow anymore if thats whats grows means?"

should we kick off the average and make they fell unwelcome?

maybe i am the average, how can i possible know that?