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Comment by lbrandy

12 years ago

I have a theory that "upvote for visibility" instead of "upvote because it interests me" is when any up-vote-down-vote arrow community crosses a line that cannot be easily uncrossed. Every "awful" subreddit is a place where a bunch of people upvote a story because they want other people to see it, in some form misguided activism. And this is everything that is "wrong" with those communities.

The community is boring to people who want interesting things, but interesting to those who want to advocate some position. And the upvotey-downvotey nature makes non-activism and contrary opinions go away, since activists tend to be poor caretakers of the community itself, instead looking to push a particular position (ie, they downvote everyone else away).

I'm sure the whole gaming of HN has been talked to death. But it's not ever that clear to me as to what an 'upvote' actually is. In my mind a submission upvote means 'Interesting', and with comments it's less clear. Does it mean 'I agree', 'Interesting angle' , or what