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Comment by barrkel

15 years ago

The problem is more fundamental. The more of your life you conduct through the centralized conduit of your internet connection, the more power someone who controls that conduit has over you.

Cases like child pornography are the wedge justifications for putting into place controlling mechanisms, and cheered on by lots of well-meaning people. But once the controlling mechanisms are there they can be used and abused for political and commercial gain by police both public and secret.

The inherent non-visible, automatable and centralizable nature of such controls makes them more powerful than any real-world analogue. No large conspiracies, long chains of command or big bribes for armies of cronies are needed for historically unprecedented manipulation of the futures, careers and freedoms of people and companies. I don't think one can trust the law to catch up or to be effective in restraining those with the power. The bogeymen of terrorism and child molestation are more than effective enough to frighten the councils of old men who largely control court decisions.

IMO, decentralization and transport encryption, to the point that real-time centralization of control is infeasible, ought to be baked into the design of such a vital infrastructure. The privacy problems are going to get worse. We're still waiting for the big scandal, the hidden nuke test that went wrong, which will make this need obvious to the public at large. If we're unlucky, we might never see that scandal.